Sunday, May 24, 2009

Black on purple - part 1

Staring up at the blue sky, only a couple of white clouds floating by slowly like fluffy ribbons. Shivers running over her back as she admires the beauty as the reality strikes to her. "This is the last day of my life."
A funny feeling, as if submitting to it, from the moment she planned doing this. Still a knot forms in her throat. She swallows hard and shakes her head, some drops of sweat falling on the dusty floor. The sun has been beating down on her for 2 hours now, but she is used to it. Laboring on the fields lightened her fur as well altered other parts of her being like the others.
She clings her five fingers paws to relief the stress around her pulsing wrist, the rope is tight and has been cutting in to the skin under her fur.
"Here they are. I hope, today I will make clear to you that I will not tolerate any disobedience!" The warden yells, his face reddening as he realises his speech doesn't draw as much effect as he has hoped for.
A grin forms on her lips. "What can he expect? Most of us are all broken and at loss. But some of the new ones will take notion." She knows giving a quick glance over the crowd stopping at a little kid. Around 14 years old, fur worn off paws. He looked dirty, tired and miserable. If only we could have made it. She looks down feeling pity, not for herself, but for all the others. "If only we had succeeded."
The warden carries on walking fort and back yelling his plee as he goes, most of his words only reaching the outer perimeter unheard as everyone is lost in his own thoughts. Today was one of those days, that couldn't be any darker. Men have died in the mines, sometimes in the summer firefighting costed lives, but those days weren't held in such high hope. They worked for weeks to the day of yesterday.
In the moonlit night they opened the tunnel under watch house and stole the main gates key leaving the guard neck broken guard behind. She opposed to the violence Hijard used, the others might get punished for these deaths. Ultimately they got spotted when the opened the gate. A guard was actually sleeping above the gates wall. Covering around 150 feet she got run down by a horsemen dropping on her like a sack of sand. Hijard put up a good fight, nearly pulling down the horseman trying to bring him down, but eventually got hit on the head by another rider.
She jerks her head up as drums start beating. The warden still red with anger standing centre in front of the poles they are all bound to. The chopping block just 10 yards away, black with old blood. The blade of the executioner chipped and worn off, his face like patches of skin, "Why would he care?" She thinks as another knot forms in her throat. He is also the head of the guard having withstand many outbreaks. He is also one of the cruellest men she had ever encounter. She brought it off pretty well, her back sore from the whipping she received. But others where beaten sensless,, Hijard is hanging limply although his best efforts to keep himself standing. She clenches her eyes for a moment not wanting to think about what they did to his leg. Her attention swerving up as one of her closed friends to her left gets fetched.
If it is the scorching sun, the whipping she only received a hour ago, or the cheer terror that seamed to boil up between her shoulders she doesn't know. But she can't see who it is. Her vision blurry, mostly hanging limply on the ropes as her legs won't support her anymore.
In a reflex she starts breathing again, her vision returning. Feia, 27. Mother of a boy being pulled forward on the ropes around her wrists.
Then her attention gets drawn beyond. The main gate, someone is walking their. It seams so out of place, no escort and at this hour while they are caring out executions. Her breath stocks as she releases a number of things. An enormous hole in the main gate, like being blown through with a cannon ball, the guards on it gaping down at the figure walking their like the devil himself is out their.
"Can it be!?" She breaths out. Black fur with purple stripes, even with this distance his blood red eyes seam to pierce through everything, a slender short muzzle, two black horns standing between his bat like ears. She never met him, only heard tales of him. Rumours, legends, she couldn't believe he actually existed. But here he is, walking their like in a nightmare.
His grace only adding up to his impressive looks, dark blue with red garment, two curved blades at his side in a single scabbard. His stride long and determined stopping just yards from the ward and crossing his arms.


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